Deck  Of  Pain

The Pro Subscription

Starts at $4.99 per month, free for casual use.


Includes a starter workout and free forever. Great for casual use.

per month

Pro Subscription
For those serious about working out and want variety in their routine.

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What you’re really paying for …

A unique product. By paying for Deck Of Pain, you help us stay niche, opinionated, and focused on your needs over the long term.

Supporting indie developers. Your subscription funds the ongoing development of the app and the independence of the team behind it. Think of it as the tech version of shopping at a farmer’s market.

Keeping your data private. Most apps monetize by selling user data or showing ads. Paying directly keeps Deck Of Pain as an intimate and private app for your personal fitness.

An even stronger future. Paying for Deck Of Pain is the fuel we need to continue to release innovative new features. With a Pro Subscription, your feedback can make an impact on future product features.